Dehradun: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami said that now no one will be able to think of rioting in Uttarakhand. If any rioter damages government and private properties, then every penny will be recovered from them.
He said that the development of border villages is the top priority of the state government. Talking to the media at the Secretariat on Saturday, Chief Minister Dhami said that this law was very necessary for the state of Uttarakhand, because here all the people like to live peacefully.
There is brotherhood and harmony among all here. In such a situation, if any incident happens here, it will not be tolerated at all. He said that in February this year, some people in Banbhulpura (Haldwani) tried to arson, vandalism and attacked the people of the administration, so the state government has brought this law.
He said that now one cannot even think of rioting in Uttarakhand. It is known that two days ago, Governor Lieutenant General (Retd) Gurmeet Singh has approved the Bill for Recovery of Damage to Public (Government) and Private Property passed in the Gairsain Assembly.
Now it will come in the form of law. It has made strict provisions for recovery from rioters. Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami said that the day he took the responsibility of the main service, he had resolved that our government will fill all the vacancies in government departments by running a rapid campaign.
Development of border villages is the top priority
Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami said that all the border villages adjoining the international border or all those areas are in the race for development and are included as the first village. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced in Mana in 2022 that all the border villages which were earlier called the last villages will now be our first villages. Standards of development will be set in all these villages as the first village.