Dehradun: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami launched the Car Garbage Eco Friendly Bag Distribution Campaign under Swachhata Hi Seva on the occasion of World Tourism Day. The Chief Minister said that this is a good campaign under the Swachhata Abhiyan. He said that the work of public awareness towards cleanliness should continue continuously. He praised this campaign and said that this will bring awareness about cleanliness among the people. He said that it is often seen that after sitting in the car, people throw food wrappers, plastic waste etc. on the road. He said that by collecting garbage by keeping a garbage bag in the car, people will get a good habit of putting it in the dustbin only.
The Chief Minister said that under the guidance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, work is being done rapidly in every field in the state. Every possible effort is being made by the state government to make this decade the decade of Uttarakhand. Work is also being done to make Uttarakhand an ideal state in the field of cleanliness. Today, Uttarakhand is among the leading states in many fields. The state has got the first place in the ranking of Sustainable Development Goals released by NITI Aayog. The unemployment rate in the state has decreased by 4.4 percent. He said that to promote tourism, it is necessary to pay special attention to cleanliness. Tourism is a strong base to promote the economy of Devbhoomi Uttarakhand. Uttarakhand has a distinct identity in the country and the world as a tourism state.
On this occasion, MLA Umesh Sharma Kau, Kishore Upadhyay, Sarita Arya, Chief Secretary Radha Raturi, Principal Secretary R.K. Sudhanshu, Member Secretary of Pollution Control Board Dr. Parag Madhukar Dhakate, industrialist Rakesh Oberoi and other people associated with this campaign were present.