Dehradun: On complaints in corruption cases, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has given instructions to take action against the Chief Town Planner. It is reported that for a long time, complaints of Chief Town Planner Shashi Mohan Srivastava were reaching the Chief Minister directly. In such a situation, considering these complaints serious, the Chief Minister has not only given instructions to remove Shashi Mohan Srivastava from his post, but has also issued instructions to conduct a preliminary inquiry into the complaints. It is reported that Chief Minister Dhami was receiving complaints of irregularities regarding the master plan and land use change. After the facts came to light on these complaints, the Chief Minister ordered immediate action.
An order has been issued in this regard by Additional Secretary Housing Atar Singh in the government. Under this, orders have been issued to remove Chief Town Planner Shashi Mohan Srivastava from his post and attach him to the government. Now, in place of Shashi Mohan Srivastava, senior town planning officer Shalu Thind has been given the responsibility of Chief Town Planner.
The special thing is that for taking action, the section related to housing was opened in the secretariat even on Sunday. Orders were issued to remove Shashi Mohan Srivastava on a holiday. It is also being told that many complaints were being received against him. After clear facts came out regarding this, the Chief Minister issued orders to take action on this on Sunday itself. On the other hand, preparations are also being made for investigation in this matter. It is believed that soon an officer can be nominated to investigate these complaints. Till the investigation is done, it has been decided to keep Shashi Mohan Srivastava attached to the office of Additional Secretary Housing Atar Singh.