Jammu: Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami is on a tour of Jammu and Kashmir. He has come to campaign as the star campaigner of BJP. Addressing the election rally, CM Dhami said that a new chapter of Jammu and Kashmir has started under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi. The path of development and peace has been paved.
The public is going to create a new history – Pushkar Dhami
Pushkar Singh Dhami said that after the repeal of Article 370, the wave of development that has come in Jammu and Kashmir, its direct benefit has started to reach the people here. He said that the people of Jammu and Kashmir are going to create a new history. In this election, the voters here are going to make the lotus bloom in Jammu and Kashmir by giving priority to development.
Assembly elections are in three phases in Jammu and Kashmir
Let us tell you that assembly elections are being held in Jammu and Kashmir after 10 years. The first phase of voting for 90 assembly seats is being held today i.e. on 18 September. The second phase of voting will be held on 25 September and the last phase on 1 October.