Dehradun: Chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami said that resolving as many public grievances as possible should be the priority of the government. Chairing a review meeting regarding the CM helpline 1905 with senior officials here on Tuesday, he noted that about 60 per cent of the complaints received on the helpline are being resolved at present. He told officials to aim for redressal of 80 per cent complaints by March this year. Dhami also inaugurated the CM Darpan Dashboard 2.0 on the occasion.
Officials informed in the meeting that a total of 95,573 complaints were registered on the helpline from May 9, 2023 to January 22, 2024. Out of these, about 60 per cent of the complaints were resolved in a satisfactory manner. Expressing satisfaction at this, the CM directed officials to aim for resolving 80 per cent of the complaints by March. He said that there are times when some complaints are not resolved despite repeated attempts to find a practical solution. The department concerned should communicate with the complainant in such cases, he said. Dhami said, “It should be ensured that no complaint is disposed of in a one-sided manner. The complainant should be fully satisfied before the complaint is disposed of. All the personnel involved in this task should work with a sense of ownership. All those working in the CM Helpline should talk properly to the complainant and attend the call properly. All the departmental secretaries should regularly review the complaints received on this helpline,” he said.
The CM was informed in the meeting that the CM helpline now has a ‘click to call’ option for communication between officials and the public. In addition to this, work has been done to facilitate uploading the minutes of the review meeting on the CM helpline portal. Dhami also had telephonic conversations with some of the complainants during the meeting. Roorkee resident Amit informed him that he had lodged a complaint regarding land mutation not being done, adding that the issue has now been resolved. Dehradun resident Mahaveer said that he had complained about street lights not being installed. The issued was resolved within a week, he added. The CM told officials that videos of persons whose complaints are resolved through the CM helpline should be shared on social media.
In another important direction, the CM spoke about Prime Minister Narendra Modi launching a scheme to provide solar panels for one crore people. He directed that solar panels should be mandatorily installed at the secretariat and all government office buildings. The solar panels should also be mandatorily installed in large commercial buildings. He directed the authorities concerned to ensure that this is implemented while passing building maps. This will result in considerable saving of energy, he added.