Haldwani: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has given instructions to provide relief amount to the families of the deceased and the injured in the bus accident in Bhimtal. The families of the deceased in the bus accident will be given an assistance amount of Rs 10 lakh. In this, ₹ 5 lakh will be given by Uttarakhand Transport Corporation, while 2 lakh from Road Safety Fund and 3 lakh rupees from Chief Minister’s Discretionary Fund. Similarly, ₹ 3 lakh will be given to seriously injured persons and ₹ 15 ₹ 25 thousand will be given to normally injured persons.
Bhimtal bus accident: Death toll reaches 5
The death toll in the roadways bus accident that took place on Wednesday under Bhimtal police station area has risen to 5. 24 people were injured in the accident, while the condition of 6 people is still critical. In view of the critical condition, one patient has been airlifted to Rishikesh AIIMS.
A roadways bus coming from Pithoragarh to Haldwani crashed near Saldi in Bhimtal and fell into a 200 meter deep gorge. Five people died in the accident, while 24 people were seriously injured. On Thursday, i.e. today morning, 21-year-old Diksha Prakash, who was a resident of Haldwani Damuwadhunga, died. All the injured have been admitted to Sushila Tiwari Hospital in Haldwani. Dr. Arun Joshi, Principal of Sushila Tiwari Hospital, said that all the injured are being given proper treatment. The seriously injured patients have been kept in the ICU, in which the condition of 6 patients remains critical. One patient has been airlifted to Rishikesh AIIMS.
He said that the condition of about four patients is still very critical, for whom action is being taken to airlift them to Rishikesh AIIMS. All the injured are being given proper treatment. The condition of some of the injured is improving. A team of doctors has also come from Rishikesh to treat the seriously injured patients, who are also performing surgery on them as per the need. The injured people say that the bus fell into the ditch while trying to save a car with Delhi registration number. The driver and conductor have also suffered serious injuries in the accident.