Tehri: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami reached R.I.C. Garkhet Nainbagh Tehri Garhwal on Tuesday and participated in Jaunpur Sports and Cultural Development Festival. The Chief Minister was given a warm welcome by the committee and honored by wearing a coat and cap.
On this occasion, the Chief Minister announced construction of 6 km motor road from Dwargarh to Hingoti Bhadraraj Temple, construction of 4 km motor road from Aglad Thatyud motor road km 10 to Thakkar Kudaun, Khas Kudaun via Swel Chak, construction of permanent helipad at Garkhet, declaration of Jaunpur Sports and Cultural Development Festival as a state fair.
The Chief Minister welcomed everyone and said that he felt happy to reach the festival. The festival is not only preserving sports, development, folk culture and traditions, but also taking them forward from generation to generation. He said that on the occasion of State Foundation Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi talked about preserving our culture, dialect and language, and preserving the heritage of ancestors, for which the state government is committed. He said that fairs play an important role in strategic and social areas along with increasing the feeling of love, affection and belongingness. The rich culture of Uttarakhand is our basic identity. Our migrant brothers and sisters are working to keep our culture alive even across the seven seas.
The Chief Minister said that the Uttarakhand Sahitya Gaurav Samman is being given by the state government to create and promote literature in its dialects. A film policy has been formulated under which various local languages are being encouraged and then funds are being given for construction. Reconstruction work is being done to give a grand look to cultural and religious places. Traditional sports of Uttarakhand are being encouraged. Work is being done to prevent migration and overall development. Along with job creation in government services, self-employment is being promoted by working in areas like milk, beekeeping, agriculture, horticulture, homestay etc. The demand for products being made by women’s groups is increasing significantly in the country and abroad today.
To give recognition to hill products, the high quality products of the House of Himalaya brand are getting recognition not only in the state but also at the national and international level. More than one lakh women of Uttarakhand have become Lakhpati Didi and will soon achieve the target of up to 1.25 lakh. Farmers are being given loans up to Rs 3 lakh without interest. Strict anti-copying laws have been implemented in the state. In the last three and a half years, nineteen thousand jobs have been provided in government services.
The Chief Minister said that due to such events, our folk culture becomes even stronger. He also appreciated the efforts of the organizers for doing a wonderful job of preserving our cultural heritage and taking it to the new generation. He said that the government is committed to making strict land laws and for this suggestions are being sought at the government-administration level. Soon the draft of the land law will be prepared and strict action will be taken against those who have purchased land in Uttarakhand in an illegal manner.
On this occasion, Dhanolti MLA Pritam Singh Panwar expressed gratitude and thanks on behalf of the regional people to the Chief Minister for participating in the festival. During this, he enumerated the development works and achievements of the government and placed a demand letter before the Chief Minister to speed up the development of the region.
On this occasion, MLA Rajpur Khajan Das, District President BJP Rajesh Nautiyal, Chairman OBC Commission Sanjay Negi, outgoing Block Chief/Administrator Sita Rawat, DM Mayur Dixit, In-charge SSP Sarita Dobhal, CDO Dr. Abhishek Tripathi, former MLA Jot Singh Gunsola, Manmohan Mall along with Subhash Ramola Fair Committee Chairman Suresh Panwar along with public representatives and regional people were present.