Dehradun: Chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami participated in the Nanda-Gaura festival at Gauchar on Thursday and held a road show attended by thousands. He laid the foundation and inaugurated projects worth Rs 400 crore for the border district Chamoli. This includes inauguration of 260 schemes worth Rs 97 crore and foundation stone-laying ceremony of 344 schemes worth Rs 303 crore.
“Women have always played a crucial role in Uttarakhand’s growth; they have remained role models.
Besides shaping society, they have also started their own projects, making our dream of self-reliance and women empowerment come true,” he said.
Under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, the CM handed over house keys to beneficiaries Rajeshwari Devi, Kusum Devi, and Yashoda Devi of Gram Panchayat Dua. Similarly, under Atal Awas Yojna, house keys were handed over to Nandi Devi of Suki Suraiyota village and Sarita Devi of village Tolma Suraidhota.
Neema Maithani of Nauti village was given a cheque of Rs 25,000 and a citation for her “excellent agricultural work.” A cheque of Rs 75,000 each was distributed to the Yuvak Mangal Dal Bura, Lunatara, and Vaduk, who were doing remarkable work, and a cheque of Rs 37,500 was handed over to the Mahila Mangal Dal Ala Jokhna.