Dehradun”: Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Thursday performed ‘Kanya Pujan’ in the Nari Shakti Mahotsav and said that matri shakti or mother power has had an important contribution in the creation of Uttarakhand state.
Addressing the gathering at the Nari Shakti Mahotsav organised at the Bannu Maidan in Dehradun, the Chief Minister said, “‘Matri Shakti’ or mother power has an important contribution in the creation of Uttarakhand state and in realizing the dream of developed Uttarakhand.”
“Teelu Rauteli, Rajmata Karnavati, Vishni Devi Shah among others are remembered in the form of bravery, courage, bravery and struggle of women in Uttarakhand and our government is working for the development of women by taking forward the concept of “Empowering Women – Prosperous Women,” said the Chief Minister.
Chief Minister Dhami also inaugurated and laid the foundation stones of a total of 600 schemes worth Rs 1055.57 crore on the occasion. Of these, 270 schemes worth Rs 617.05 crore were inaugurated and the foundation stone of 330 schemes worth Rs 438.52 crore were laid.
CM Dhami said that through the program, the foundation stone of development schemes worth more than one thousand crores was laid and inaugurated for the development of Dronanagari.
He further said that these schemes will prove to be a milestone in the development of not only Dehradun but also the surrounding areas.
At the venue of the program, the Chief Minister went among the women demonstrating tailoring and encouraging them. The Chief Minister performed the ‘Kanya Puja’ at the beginning of the program and encouraged the women to make their mark in various fields.
The Chief Minister said that our government is not only running schemes for the welfare and development of women but also the development framework is being prepared by centring women at the level of every department.
He said that our government is working day and night to make every district of Uttarakhand a “developed district”.
Adding further, CM Dhami said, “I believe that if women take up the pen in their hands, they can even compose verses from the Vedas and if they take up the sword, they can change the map of the earth. That is why it is said in our scriptures that the place where women are worshipped, God himself resides there. This is the reason why in our Indian Sanatan culture, women have the status of a goddess and in the Vedas too, women have been called upon to be competent, capable and give direction to the nation.”
The Chief Minister said, “Today women are not less than men in any field, they are standing shoulder to shoulder with men everywhere. Be it home or battlefield, politics or cinema, scientific field or agriculture and education, women have proved themselves everywhere.”
Chief Minister Dhami further said that he was glad that women in remote villages of the state are forming self-help groups and giving impetus to the rural economy through cottage industries.
“Women have never had any shortage of skills and now these skills are powering their and their families’ economy,” said the Uttarakhand CM.
The Chief Minister said that under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, today about 23 crore women across the country have been linked to banks through Jan Dhan accounts. (ANI)