Dehradun: The Nainital High Court on Friday heard a petition filed regarding the security of the mosque in the mosque dispute case located on Bhatwadi Road in Uttarkashi. The court has directed the DM and SSP of Uttarkashi to maintain law and order in all the religious places located there. The court has asked the DGP to inform about the situation by November 27. The case was heard before the division bench of Acting Chief Justice Manoj Kumar Tiwari and Justice Rakesh Thapliyal.
The Minority Service Committee of Uttarkashi had filed a petition in the High Court saying that since September 24, some organizations are threatening to demolish the Sunni community’s mosque located on Bhatwadi Road by calling it illegal. Due to this, a situation of tension has arisen between the two communities. In the petition, a request has been made to the state government to order the security of the mosque. It was said that the mosque is legal which was built in 1969 by purchasing land. In 1986, the Waqf Commissioner also inspected it and the mosque was found to be legal.
The petitioner’s lawyer told the court that making such inflammatory statements is a violation of the Supreme Court’s order. The Supreme Court has ordered all states that if inflammatory statements are made against any caste, religion or community, then the state governments should directly file a case, but the Uttarakhand government has not yet filed any case against anyone in this matter. The petition said that the state government has violated the Supreme Court’s order.