Dehradun : On Friday, in a significant step towards bolstering women empowerment and child development, Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami distributed appointment letters to new recruits at the Chief Minister’s residence. This batch of new employees includes 16 supervisors from the Department of Women Empowerment and Child Development, 10 inspectors from the Excise Department, and one selected junior assistant.
Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami Awards Appointment Letters to New Recruits
Chief Minister Dhami extended his congratulations to all the selected candidates, emphasizing that their selection was a result of their hard work and dedication. He highlighted the importance of discipline in building a successful life and career, urging the new appointees to always remain disciplined in their professional endeavors.
Chief Minister Dhami mentioned the state government’s stringent anti-copying law
Furthermore, Chief Minister Dhami mentioned the state government’s stringent anti-copying law, which has successfully led to the incarceration of over 100 individuals involved in the cheating mafia. This move has significantly benefited hardworking youth, ensuring they receive the rewards of their efforts without unfair competition.
The event was attended by various departmental officials, marking a day of celebration and a step forward in the government’s commitment to improving the state’s administrative services and promoting a fair and merit-based selection process.