Dehradun: In Uttarakhand, cases of promotion of employees with fake signature of minister and transfer of employees with fake signature of officers have come to light many times. A similar case has come to light once again. This time the latest case is of irrigation department. Where many engineers were transferred with fake signature of irrigation secretary. Surprisingly, it started being complied with at irrigation headquarters level. But when the matter came to light, the truth behind the transfer order came to light.
In Uttarakhand, a section of the government and the headquarters of the department have come under investigation. Actually, some engineers were transferred in the irrigation department on 31 January and 19 February. The transfer order reached the headquarters of the irrigation department and it started being complied with. But there was a stir in the department when the matter reached the irrigation secretary about these transfers and he denied his signature on the transfer order. Irrigation Secretary Dr. R Rajesh Kumar expressed deep displeasure over these transfers and immediately ordered legal action on this.
The disclosure came when the engineers met the secretary
The names of the assistant engineers who were transferred with fake signatures included Additional Assistant Engineers Chiranji Lal, Sumit Kumar and Jaideep. The interesting thing is that the transfer order was also complied with from the Chief Engineer in charge’s office. But in the meantime, when the engineers met the secretary regarding the objection, the irrigation secretary denied that his signature was on this order.
After the matter came to light, now there is also a discussion about who conspired to forge the signature of Irrigation Secretary R Rajesh Kumar. Earlier also a letter related to the irrigation secretary had gone viral. Which was found to be wrong. After this, a complaint was also lodged with the police in this matter. After this situation, it is also being seen that who is committing such fraud against this IAS officer holding an important post.
The Chief Engineer of the office called the engineers back to their postings. On the transfer of the engineer, the Irrigation Secretary has ordered the concerned engineer to be sent back to the same posting. On which an order has been issued from the Chief Engineer of the office. In which it has been told that the transfer orders issued on 31 January and 19 February are fake. The orders have been issued by forging signatures.
Action started
Apart from this, a complaint has been given to the police in the matter. Although this letter was not sent by the government. In such a situation, doubts are being raised about this letter with fake signature on the office of the Chief Engineer in charge. But such orders related to transfers are sent from the government itself. Therefore, the concerned section related to irrigation is also under investigation. It is being told that action is being taken to remove a worker working in this section of the department itself.
Promotion was done by forging the signature of the minister
Earlier in Uttarakhand, a case of fake signature has also come to light regarding promotion to the post of Chief Engineer in the Public Works Department. The Public Works Department Minister in the government, Satpal Maharaj himself had got a case registered in this matter through his personal secretary by alleging fake signature.