Dehradun: Minister Saurabh Bahuguna has expressed displeasure towards the officials on the transfers and promotions done in the Training and Employment Department without bringing it to the notice of Cabinet Minister Saurabh Bahuguna. He has given strict instructions to the officials of the department and warned them to refrain from such working system in future. Principal Secretary of Minister Saurabh Bahuguna has written a letter to the Director of Training and Employment on this matter. It has been said in the letter that if such orders are made in future, they will be automatically considered cancelled.
While issuing instructions through the Director of Service Employment, Cabinet Minister Saurabh Bahuguna has said that it has come to his knowledge that decisions are being taken by the head of the department on matters related to transfer and promotion of personnel in the Employment Department without bringing it to the notice of the higher level. Instructions have been given to the Directorate in this regard earlier also. Despite this, the departmental minister is not being given complete information about such cases. In the letter, the departmental minister has expressed deep displeasure. In the letter, he has said that if any such incident happens, then full information should be given to him.
Congress has also reacted to the letter written by Cabinet Minister Saurabh Bahuguna. Congress State Vice President Mathura Dutt Joshi says that it is a great misfortune that the departmental minister is not aware of what is happening in the department. This also proves that the departmental minister does not have a grip on the department. However, action should be taken against those officers who are keeping the cabinet minister in the dark.