Dehradun: Chief Secretary Smt Radha Raturi has given instructions to focus on the best marketing, quality and branding of local products under House of Himalayas. CS has given instructions to establish House of Himalayas as the umbrella brand of Uttarakhand and work on mission mode to get local products recognized at national and international level. Chief Secretary Smt Radha Raturi has given instructions that more and more women self-help groups and local women entrepreneurs should be encouraged under House of Himalayas. By getting the same name and brand for all the products of Uttarakhand, local products will get a better market at national and global level.
CS has given instructions that work should be done to increase the reach of all the local brands of the state through House of Himalayas. House of Himalayas should work with the theme of Vocal for Local and Local for Global. For this, she has instructed to increase the reach of local products worldwide through online platforms.
Chief Secretary Smt. Radha Raturi said that House of Himalayas, along with being the umbrella brand of the state, is going to become effective means of livelihood for local women across the state. She has instructed to link various self-help groups and their products to it. 21 products have been kept in the first phase under House of Himalayas. In future, more and more local products will be linked to it. The quality of its products is being checked at three levels.
Secretary Smt Radhika Jha, Additional Secretary Shri Manuj Goyal and other concerned officials were present in the meeting of the Board of Governance of House of Himalayas chaired by Chief Secretary Smt Radha Raturi in the Secretariat.