Dehradun: Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has blessed all the women with a big gift on the auspicious occasion of Raksha Bandhan. Let us tell you that on the day of Raksha Bandhan, women of the state will be able to travel free of cost in roadways buses. During this, no fare will be charged from them for traveling in government buses. At the same time, the Dhami government in the state has once again been seen fulfilling its responsibility towards the people.
In this matter, in the letter sent by Transport Secretary Brajesh Sant, it was said that the state government will bear the cost of this free travel. Also, while issuing the order related to free travel, General Manager of Transport Corporation CP Kapoor said that on the day of Raksha Bandhan, women will be given 100 percent discount in the fare of ordinary buses operated by Uttarakhand Transport Corporation within the state.
Let us tell you that on the day of Raksha Bandhan, the facility of free travel for women in government buses will be available only within the state of Uttarakhand. Apart from this, if any woman travels outside Uttarakhand in the buses of Uttarakhand Transport Corporation, then her fare will definitely be charged.